Monday, 7 November 2016


As we drove to the gaming shop, I was thinking of all the rare pokemon I might get. I definitely wanted Mew, the legendary cat pokemon, but what if they had sold out? They had sent out an advert to everyone in the neighbourhood saying they had Pikachu, Mew and Squirtle. I had finally convinced mum to bring me here to get them. 

As we neared the shop, I was hoping like crazy they were still there. I entered the gaming shop. The small golden bell on the door rang like the cheep of a frightened baby bird. Excitedly, I ran right over to the pokemon section. There was one Pikachu left, two Squirtle and no Mews. I stared gloomily at the empty shelf. 

A bag flew over my head, darkness screwed the light and dimmed it till it Was ‘floating’ in pitch black. I had an aching pain in my left knee and I stumbled around to find the same fabric lining.

I was in a bag!
Light came pouring back in, my eyes ached from the sudden change of lighting. Mum’s friendly face face greeted me.
She said, “A kidnapper tried to snatch you but they heard him leave because of the bell. He was chased down and now is in custody.”

For once I was relieved for that annoying bell. I will never complain about the screaming bell when I enter the gaming shop on the corner.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Book Character Day

   Im Timothy the dog from Famous Five. My friend Emily is anne from the Famous Five.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Red Wolfs

                                                                              Red Wolf

Copy at paste this web site to find the awnsers, this is also the website I got the info from!:

1.When Were the red wolf Tought to be extinct?

2.How many red wolfs are left?                                                                                                                  Photo credit is  McPhee/USFWS  for the image above
3.What is the red wolfs habitat?

4. Is the grey wolf bigger than the red wolf?                                                                              

5.What do red wolfs eat? or pray on?                                                                        
6.How did the red wolf nearly become extinct

7. How long does the red wolf live for?

8. How fast can the red wolf  run?

9.What family are the red wolf from

10.How much does the red wolf weigh

                                                                                                                                                                Photo credit for the red wolf face is Bartel/USFWS

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Home Learning - Avatar


This is my avatar (: hope you like it.
I have a dog with me becuase its one of my fav animals.
im wearing light blue becuase its one of my fav colours (:

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Homelearning bloging chanellge - free choice

So this was my free choice home learning blogging challenge. I made this on :)

              the cat is called Taby, her fav food is cook salmon. Her fav drink is Pepis

Friday, 1 April 2016

Welcome to my blog!

Hi i'm Sarah welcome to my blog!

These are a few things about me:
I love animals,sport and drawing, my fav food is Pizza and coke.

On my blog here are some rules i need to follow:

1. Don't share personal information
2. Acknowledge sources
3.i have to write TBC at the top of every blog post so the teacher can cheack it.
4. Caring,Kind and constructive


Whoosh. I sprinted through the line. I heard someone call toc- but than realised they didn't get it and I was off Like a rocket. Burnham...