Friday, 6 May 2016

Red Wolfs

                                                                              Red Wolf

Copy at paste this web site to find the awnsers, this is also the website I got the info from!:

1.When Were the red wolf Tought to be extinct?

2.How many red wolfs are left?                                                                                                                  Photo credit is  McPhee/USFWS  for the image above
3.What is the red wolfs habitat?

4. Is the grey wolf bigger than the red wolf?                                                                              

5.What do red wolfs eat? or pray on?                                                                        
6.How did the red wolf nearly become extinct

7. How long does the red wolf live for?

8. How fast can the red wolf  run?

9.What family are the red wolf from

10.How much does the red wolf weigh

                                                                                                                                                                Photo credit for the red wolf face is Bartel/USFWS

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah

    The red wolf sounds interesting! Sadly, you didn't get all your questions answered?
    Also, I'm wondering - isn't it 'wolves', not 'wolfs'...?

    Perhaps you could fix that up :-)




Whoosh. I sprinted through the line. I heard someone call toc- but than realised they didn't get it and I was off Like a rocket. Burnham...